Thursday, March 10, 2011

Let's think about it

So dear pe0ple~
let's think about it
"Dont waste your time on things
that you think you want..

because there is always someone out there
who need it much more than you could ever possibly know"

got it in ur head?
when i found this word
its really touch my heart
as a human being
we always feel unsatisfied with ourself, dont you?
Shame on me!
I als0 belong to this gr0up!
Oh my GOD, i'm so ungrateful ;(
*megucap2, sila mengucap
So dear friend,
we shud change our bad attitude
May all of us bec0me more grateful of what we had
Always remember,
there is always someone out there who need it
much more than you could ever possibly know"

^SyASyA SaNi^

P/s : I just need a new job. Ya ALLAH, kau permudahkanlah jalanku~Amin

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